40 Mournings and Nights

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Won't you take me to ... Funkytown?

Ok, as you might guess, funk over. Easy come, easy go. But in between, it was very HARRRRD! Good grief! And you know what, i did nothing, NOTHING, to make it go away. I'm really more of a doer, so usually i scramble to do something to fix my problem. But with funks, man, you're in a twilight zone town, with different laws of nature.

One thing that helped was the advice of a friend, who was very understanding. She said that sometimes you have blah days, and there's nothing to do about them except ride them out. And considering what i've been through, she says, i'm entitled to a month of blah days. Not that i ever want another blah day again. EVER. But it took the pressure off. I feel so much pressure not to have a blah day, to have a good day, to make a good day, to be good, to do good. Why? I don't know. Maybe i think that an unfulfilled life is not worth living. Ya only get one, might as well make the most of it, every single second you got. That's what i think. If i ever just sit around and watch tv, i feel really guilty for the time wasted. If i spend my evenings in front of the tv, i feel so unfulfilled by the end of the evening. Like, all of the sudden i realize that i did nothing that evening, and i must do something useful before bed.

That has lead to many late or sleepless nights.

So with blah days, i usually am still thinking of how to make the most of it. But it's impossible because all of the sudden nothing i like or do is interesting--at all. I hate when that happens.

Ok, but enough about that. I'm just surprised at my good fortune that the blah day seems to have gone away. Thank God. I still feel like it's going to pounce on me when i'm not looking. So i will be walking around gingerly today.



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