I have never made new year's resolutions. This year seems different. I have a few goals i'd like to set, and it just so happens to be the first of the year.
- I'd like to make a prayer/meditation room in my house. A place that's always clear and clean and ready for quiet reflection.
- I want to lose 15 lbs. That will require exercise. I dont know where i'd fit that into my schedule, considering that my commute is nearly 4 hours a day, giving me a 12 hour day. Add to that piano practice and writing.
- I want to get financially organized. I dont even know what that means. Dh is worse than i am. I'm the one with the math degree. I guess that means i should be able to figure it out.
- I want to get published. That means an agent in tow and a contract to a NY publishing house in hand. That means i have to finish the edits on my novel asap. That means, i need to cutback on sleep to fit it into my schedule.
- I want take better care of my body, not just my health. That means taking my vitamins, moisturizing my dry skin, waxing more regularly, doing something about my stiff shoulder (physical therapy), yoga and breathing exercises, and reading Relearning to See and doing its exercises. What else? It seems like i'm missing something. I'll come back and add to it, if i remember.
Those are all great goals, lofty, but decidedly doable. Good luck with them all!
Donna, at 4:22 PM
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